Friday, November 30, 2012

Problem solving our outside space

We built the space, we were excited be outside but sometimes it is harder than it seems.  We spent some successful time outside but soon we realized that we needed to rethink a few things to make it work much better.  We decided to come back inside to discuss what the class felt were two major problems.

First: The Cold

Our discussion led to many suggestions and a new way to go about using the space.  Here are the main points:

  • Decide the day before, so everyone would be prepared for cold temperatures.
  • Take the temperature, if it was less than 35 degrees we would not use the outside classroom, also we would stay inside if it was raining or snowing.
  • During cold days - only have active things to do.
  • One suggestion was that if you didn't have the right clothes that you wouldn't be able to go, but the class decided that it was everyone's responsibility to dress appropriately.

Second: The group shelter.

A group of boys had built a group shelter but were having a hard time working without getting distracted - they felt they needed more space.  The class decided to help them brainstorm some ideas:

  • Build out from the space along the logs
  • Add in small nooks
  • Add in more seating areas
This was the most successful discussion we had had all year.  Our umbrella project is relationships and we have been focusing on community. When building their own community, the students had strong ownership and were determined to make their space work.  Students were able to voice their concerns knowing that their classmates would make helpful suggestions to try and solve the problems.  This is the beauty of empowering the students.  I could have said, well it is too cold, lets leave it until the spring, or the group space isn't working, go to individual spaces; but giving the children the safety and power to work on these very real problems, to give them the time and space to investigate them, they came up with ideas for workable solutions.

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